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About anna

I was brought up to be driven, ambitious, and my own toughest critic. I had a huge list of goals and, once I ticked one off, I began sprinting to the next. Sounds exhilarating, right? But here's the twist: I was a classic over-thinker and "perfectionist" who could procrastinate for England. I dreamed of cruising at a steady pace instead of zooming through life at a breakneck speed, secretly wishing I could swap personalities to feel a bit more at ease with the world and myself.


I was addicted to the chase – new goals, new adventures, the thrill of success. But, oh, did it cost me! Burnout knocked me down more than once, and I fell hard. To the outside world, I was the ultimate high achiever: the perfect mum, wife, and

entrepreneur. But behind the Instagram-worthy facade? I was a mess. Unhappy, unfulfilled, and tough on myself. Always chasing what was missing instead of celebrating my wins.


Fast forward to a life-changing moment, sat in my dream car, outside my dream house, drowning in the "what ifs" and "if only". That's when it hit me: happiness was an inside job, and it was high time I grabbed the steering wheel. If I wanted things to

change, then I was the one who had to set that change in motion. But I couldn’t do it alone. So, I invested in myself. I got myself a coach, and boy, did the tables turn!


I took back control of my life and felt more at peace than I ever had before. I was succeeding in work without feeling constantly stressed and working myself to the bone – something I didn’t think was possible! I trained as a Rapid Transformational Therapist and joined forces with the Tony Robbins team as a Results Coach and Business Results Trainer. By August 2022, it was time to spread my wings and launch my own coaching practice, blending over 16 years of business smarts with a treasure trove of personal development insights.


So, here I am, a business owner who's made (and learned from) mistakes worth hundreds of thousands, not to mention the same amount invested in personal growth. And you? You get to leapfrog the costly lessons, save the money I’ve had to spend, and dive straight into the good stuff — my expertise and your transformation.


Are you ready to embrace clarity, chase your goals with newfound confidence, and maybe, just maybe, enjoy the ride?


Let's explore how we can work together to help you reach the next level...

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